August 5, 1990
O Mary, our Mother protect us beneath
your mantle |
Morning, at about seven o’clock, we went up to
the hillside—Katka Ceselková, Ivetka Korčáková, and Mikuláš Ceselka.
We spent the day playing games, making a fire, roasting bacon, and
singing. It was peaceful and enjoyable. The evening liturgy in the
village was at 5:00 p.m., but we decided to stay on the hill a
little longer. Around six o’clock, we heard a strange crackling
sound in the forest, near the spot where we had built our fire. At
first, it was faint, but it grew louder and closer. Alarmed, we went
into our hut. Ivetka and Mitko lay down, tired from the day, while I
(Katka) stayed awake, listening nervously. I suddenly heard what
sounded like footsteps outside, circling the hut. Frightened, I
shouted, "Ivetka, shut the door! I’m scared!" We quickly locked the
door, but the noises continued. There was a rattling sound, like
something made of metal, followed by a loud crash as if logs were
being thrown down from the hill above us. We were terrified. Mitko
suggested we pray, remembering advice from a priest during a
religious class. We began with the "Our Father," repeating it three
times, followed by the "Hail Mary" and the "Golden Our Father."
Mitko added prayers of his own. Suddenly, I (Ivetka) felt inspired
to pray, "Mary, Our Mother, protect us under your mantle," a prayer
I had never said before. I repeated it three times, then prayed to
our Guardian Angel. While we prayed, we made promises to God. Katka
pledged to attend religious classes, go to church, and make a holy
confession. We felt deeply sorry for our sins. As we prayed, a glow
appeared in the room, shining through the cracks in the walls. At
first, we thought it was just sunlight, but it felt different. Our
fear began to subside.Then, in the middle of the room, a bright
light appeared, and the Blessed Mother was suddenly there. She sat
quietly on a bench, listening to us. We stared at her in awe. Katka
whispered, "I see the Blessed Mother." I replied, "I see her too."
Overwhelmed, we ran out of the hut without even locking the door. As
we ran down the hill, the Blessed Mother followed us, walking a few
steps behind. Each time we turned, she was there, calm and serene.
She followed us to a roadside cross, where she knelt to pray.
Slowly, she began to fade away. Though her presence calmed us, we
were still shaken. When I reached my house, I turned and saw her
standing by the door. Ivetka later said she saw the Blessed Mother
near her uncle’s house. She didn’t speak to us, but she was dressed
in a white gown with a blue cloak, a transparent blue veil, and a
crown. She carried a rosary in her hand. When we got home, we were
quiet and unsettled. Ivetka told her mother what had happened, but
her mother didn’t believe her. Hoping for confirmation, they went to
Katka’s house. Both Katka and Ivetka broke into tears, upset that no
one believed them. However, Ivetka’s mother began to doubt her
disbelief. The next day, Katka’s mother prayed, "Blessed Mother,
give me a sign that the girls are telling the truth." That night,
her prayer was answered in a dream. She saw the Blessed Mother
wearing a green garland. When she asked about it, the Blessed Mother
replied, "Because I am a Virgin and have a pure heart." She also
reassured Katka’s mother, saying, "Yes, the girls are telling the
truth. Do not doubt them." Later that August, we returned to the
hillside with Ivetka’s parents. At the hut, only the three of us—Katka,
Ivetka, and Mitko—entered, asking for privacy to pray. We recited
the "Our Father," "Hail Mary," and "Golden Our Father" three times
each, along with "Mary, Our Mother, protect us under your mantle."
As we prayed, a mist filled the room, and within it, we could
faintly see the outline of the Blessed Mother. She didn’t speak or
leave a message, but her presence reassured us. After she
disappeared, we ran out to tell our parents. However, only Katka and
Ivetka saw her; Mitko did not. |
September 30, 1990
Blessed Mother, forgive me
for all my sins |
Ivetka and a few women were present in the field. I saw the Blessed
Mother and said to her:" Blessed Mother forgives me for all my sins," even though I had gone to confession only two days ago. The
Blessed Mother gently asked me what I wished for. I told her about
my mother, whose arms and back had been hurting, and asked for her
healing. My request was heartfelt, as my birthday was coming up the
following month and I wanted my mother to feel better. The Blessed Mother
reassured me, saying, "Do not be afraid; your mother will soon
be cured because of
your tears." At her words, I began to cry, not just out
of relief, but also because
the Blessed Mother herself was crying. I felt sorrowful, too because Katka
had not come. Katka had broken her promise to go to church and
confession and had not fulfilled the commitments she made
during first apparition. Ivetka meanwhile was kneeling very still,
staring at the spot where the Blessed Mother appeared. Suddenly, Ivetka's mother
opened the door and at that moment Ivetka jumped up, threw her arms
around her mother's
neck and tearfully reproached her: Why did you come and open the
door right now, justa as I was begging the Blessed Mother to stay
longer with me! |
October 1, 1990 |
Be example for other |
Today is
the holy day of the "Protection of the Mother of God."Katka
and I were in the field with about 20 peoples from the village. I (Ivetka), saw the
Blessed Mother clearly, but Katka saw her only faintly, as if
through a fog because there were sins on her soul. The Blessed
Mother told Katka to go to confession today so that she could to be an example to
others |
October 2, 1990
Prayer for the sinners
Both of
us girls were in the field with about twenty other. We began by
praying "Our Father" and the "Hail Mary" three times
followed and by "Golden Our father". As we prayed we saw the Blessed Mother - she
appeared very happy. She told us that all during the entire month of October we would not
see her, but she would be praying for the conversion of sinners and
would always be with us. I asked her about a deaf and mute boy, and
she revealed that his father has been beating his mother. She
explained that this act was as if he had struck his spiritual
Mother. Knowing that the rosary was being prayed in the church, we
prepared to return home.
However, the Blessed Mother asked us to remain with her a little
longer, and so we stayed to pray the rosary together. After
finishing the rosary, we started our journey back home but felt
uneasy passing through the woods. Suddenly, Ivetka shouted that she
saw the Blessed Mother near the woods. We prepared for prayer by
repeating "Mary, our mother, protect us under your
mantle" nine times. At that moment the Blessed Mother opened
her mantle and protected us accompanying us the entire way home. AS
we walked, we sang and prayed the "Our father." The Blessed Mother
remained with us until we reached the roadside cross, where her
presence left us in peace... |
November 1, 1990 |
Message and heart
There were about 40 people present as we
entered the hut. We prayed in the same way as the first time. Out of
the fog, the outline of the Blessed Mother began to appear and
gradually, her full figure became clear. She was dressed
humbly and she was barefoot. Ivetka said, "I was wondering why the Blessed Mother
seemed so sad." The Blessed Mother then spoke to saying: "I am very sad
because Katka did not dedicate the entire month of October to me.
She did not pray the rosary every evening to repent for her sins."
The Blessed Mother asked us to come to the field frequently. I was
worried how I would manage to go there once winter came and
the snow began to fall. But she reassured me saying: Do not be afraid.
I have never caused harm, only help." At that moment I began to cry
and the others in the room with me also wept. We cried because Katka was
still not fully prepared; she had not sufficiently atoned for her sins. The Blessed Mother wanted to
give us a message to spread, a message we carry to others. |
November 4, 1990 |
Blessed water |
We went up to the field where we prayed
rosary together. The Blessed Mother appeared from gradually
revealing her outline. We asked her if a Divine Liturgy should be offered here.
She told us that the Divine Liturgy should be celebrated in
honor of her Immaculate Heart. There were many people present and we
began to feel unwell. We went to the spring, washed our faces and
returned. We knelt down again and the Blessed Mother spoke to. She
explained that we
saw her faintly because our hearts were stained with sin. She
us to pray the rosary three times. She then told us that she had
blessed the water from the spring and that she wanted everyone to
take it. The Blessed Mother was shining brightly, her purity
radiating. She asked us to turn our faces toward the people. When we
did, we saw that all the people had dirty faces. Then the Blessed Mother disappeared. |
November 11, 1990
Disaster and Prayer of Slovakia
There were many people present. We prayed two
decades of the rosary and then began the Divine Liturgy. We had
an apparition: The Blessed Mother began to form herself out of the
mist - first as outline, then fully visible. She told us that when the message
was delivered, only two of us and the priests should remain
in the room. During the Divine Liturgy, we did not see her, but only
after it had ended. When the people began to pray, they continued
with the holy rosary, but we could not hear them because the Blessed
Mother appeared again. She told us that she could not longer bear to
look at the
sins of Slovakia, where her children have so much, yet do not
worship her Son and Her. Her son will send a disaster to Slovakia;
but if people will convert, and begin to pray more sincerely and
more fervently, the disaster could be gradually
postponed. The Blessed Mother was deeply sad, and urged us to spread
this message throughout Slovakia so that all the people of Slovakia
would come and
pray here. |
November 18, 1990 |
Forgiveness and love
We went to the field and there were many
people. On the way up, we prayed and sang. Then, the people began to
sing this hymn: "We have made a wreath for you, Mary...." We looked
to the side and we saw the Blessed Mother with roses around her
feet. As we climbed higher, the people sang "Jesus and Mary are
coming with us." We looked to the right and saw the Blessed
Mother holding Jesus in her arms. She was barefoot and Jesus was wrapped in
a white cloth. We all sang together the song: "When we finished the
rosary...", and we saw the Blessed Mother walking with a rosary. Then we
turned around but we no longer saw her. When we arrived at the place
of the apparitions, we knelt and prayed as always. Then,
the Blessed Mother appeared again with Jesus in her arms. Jesus was
wearily. She gave us a message, saying that very few people make
sacrifice. Jesus made Himself a sacrifice for all
nations. She asked: "Why don't men make sacrifices as Jesus did so
many years ago? She told us that people have many material things,
they have everything they want and would even
kill each other for more possessions. They only seek to accumulate
Jesus Himself taught us to love one another,
and to forgive one another." The Blessed Mother said: “Even if the
water in the spring has some dirt,if anything is immersed in
it, the water is still good." She urged us to spread the
message throughout Slovakia. Then, she asked us to tell the people
not to lie but to speak the truth. She also asked why there
were not more people coming to pray with us. A woman came to us with
a piece of paper on which was written that her son had
abandoned the faith. She asked how she could bring back to believe
in God.The Blessed Mother replied: "Her son became distracted from
the faith when he went to Prague to pursue his studies. He
fell in with a bad group and began to change. He became ashamed to
say he was a
Christian." The Blessed Mother said that his mother should pray for
him. She should fast and then the Blessed Mother would take care of
everything. |
November 21, 1990 |
Still not enough people
The Blessed Mother appeared dressed entirely in
white with a beautiful white veil and white
rosary in her hands. Her presence was serene yet solemn as she gave as
a second warning. Only a few people
were present to witness her message. She said: "Jesus sacrificed Himself for all nations.
My children have so many material possessions that they even kill one another. My Son
preached and taught that men should love and
forgive one another. But this teaching is not being fulfilled here!" |
November 25, 1990 |
Invitation for priests |
The Blessed Mother appeared out of the mist,
her outline gradually becoming visible until we could see her
clearly. She was dressed in a blue gown with a blue rosary with crucifix
bordered in
gold and was entirely gold. Her expression was kind and filled with
grace. She gave us message for the priest: "Please celebrate the
Divine Liturgy here on Sunday. Invite believers from all the
parishes. They can come without fear. The Holy Spirit will guide them. The Holy Liturgy should be celebrated in honor of My Son
and Me. She then added with gentle smile:" Thank you." I asked her about Helenka,
whose leg has been causing her pain. The Blessed Mother replied: God
has permitted this as a test to see whether she will remain faithful
or turn away from Him.
If she continue to pray, she will be healed. I also inquired about a
woman struggling with alcohol. The Blessed Mother said: "It is necessary
to bring her to this place of apparitions. She must be sober. Let
her come into the hut and pray alone. She will be
accepted. She should also wash often in the holy spring."
Finally, the Blessed Mother shared an important message: My power is
strongest in the field, the hut and near the spring. It is there
that I work my miracles. |
December 2, 1990
I am the Immaculate Purity |
.Katka and Ivetka shared: "After the praying,"
Mary, our Mother, hide us beneath your coat, "we saw contours of face, crown
and dress emerge from the fog. The Virgin Mary appeared dressed in white
with gold trimmings and translucent veil. We asked her
name… The beautiful woman replied:
"I am the Immaculate Purity."
When asked where she came, she answered:
"I am coming from heaven."
She continued:
"This Saturday will be my holy day (December
8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception). I will be glad if people
come here and dedicate this pilgrimage to my Son." She
asked us to repeat her previous message, as many new people had
arrived who had not heard it. She also once again recommended praying the Holy Rosary.
We asked the Virgin Mary to intercede for the sick and their
families. She replied: To be healed of physical and mental ilnesses, it is
necessary to pray the entire Rosary daily (joyful, sorrowful and
glorious mysteries), to fast on Wednesday and Friday and to drink water from the
spring of the Mountain. The cause of each disease is a sin. Then she
added: Sick will be healed, but not all. Our Lady reiterated her message
urging people to pray the Holy Rosary. She warned: Peoples hate one
another and chase after wealth. Slovakia faces a great disaster. If
people repent, the disaster will be delayed. |
December 8, 1990 |
not be afraid and come to me |
People gathered to pray Rosary together. Katka and
Ivetka shared: "Suddenly, a fog appeared, and from the mist the
Virgin Mary emerged. She was dressed in a white gown and wore a white veil. In
her hands, she held a white lily, a symbol of purity. She looked
joyful and we were
overjoyed when she smiled at us. Our Lady began speaking:
" The Holy Mass, I have previously requested - I
now ask again. Let it be celebrated here, at my favorite place on the day of
my Son's birthday so that people may receive Body and Blood of
Christ.". We asked her how people would come in snow and frost, because there is tending to cruel winter.
Mary replied: "Do not worry about snow, frost or wind and come to
me. I never hurt anyone; I only offer help. We told her that some
people did not believe us when we said we saw her so often. Mary responded: "I will
appear as many times as necessary." She invited everyone to come
here in December, despite the snow and frost, promising that their Prayer
would be heard. With a radiant smile, Our Lady began to depart in
the same gentle way she had appeared. This day was truly dedicated to the Virgin Mary." |
December 9, 1990 |
A miracle will come at the right time
Ivetka: "We prayed all the usual prayers.
As people began praying the Rosary, a powerful light appeared, and
within it, we saw the outlines of the Virgin Mary. She was all
radiant but her crown gleamed most brightly. Her arms were and a
brilliant light radiated from her hand. I asked
the Virgin Mary how our local priest should approach the bishop to
request permission to
celebrate Holy Mass here on Zvir. Our Lady smiled gently and said,
"Let Father simply repeat what I announced on Saturday and I will take care
of the rest." I then asked if she could perform a visible
miracle to help people believe and encourage them to come here to pray
the Rosary. Her expression grew serious as she replied: "A miracle will come at the right
time." |
December 16, 1990
With repentance and prayer comes joy |
As we prayed together, as usual, and begin
reciting the Rosary, fog began to form. Soon, we saw the outline of the
Virgin Mary. She appeared radiant, dressed in a golden gown with a golden flange ,a
blue belt, a blue coat, and a veil. She wore a crown. Ivetka shared: "At the beginning,
I asked what people should do to have a joyful
Christmas and spend holidays in happiness. Our Lady replied: "It is necessary for all people to repent and pray the Holy Rosary.
This will guarantee beautiful and happy holidays." When Our Lady
spoke of repentance, she placed her hand over her heart. People
came from far and near - both the sick and the healthy - each with
their own desire and requests. To fulfill these prayers, Our Lady
ask that people pray and fast on Wednesdays and Fridays." |
December 23, 1990
Holy rosary - all need for grace
Ivetka shared: "We saw the Virgin Mary, and
she told us that a visible sign will appear soon. We asked her
why she always encourages us to pray Rosary. She replied: "I am the
Immaculate Purity, and the Queen of the Holy Rosary. Whoever
prays the Rosary, at the same time is asking for all the necessary
graces" |
December 24, 1990 |
Pure heart - dwelling for Jesus
The girls asked Our Lady to bless the
priests. She smiled and gently nodded, assuring them of her
protection. Then she said: On my Son's birthday, let people have
clean hearts, so Jesus can dwell within them. During Christmas
people may receive him with pure heart." Our Lady appeared wearing a
white dress, light blue coat, and a veil. She sat gracefully on a
bench, holding a rosary in her hands. |
December 25,1990
Important are good deeds
The Virgin Mary appeared to us through the
fog, dressed the same as yesterday. Ivetka shared: "We wanted to ask
the Virgin Mary, if she loves us, but we didn't know how to put it
into words. Yet she understood without us asking and she answered
herself: "I love all
people who pray the Rosary, but also those who offend me." She
then reminded us to share her message from Christmas Eve: "It is not
important, to have tables full of food. Jesus was not born in
a poor stable for such things. What truly matter is that you fill
your lives with good deeds done in God's grace." |
December 26,1990 |
Test of courage
The Virgin Mary said to the girls: "The
storm, last night was a test - to see if people would still come to the
mountain, remembering my previous message: not to fear snow,
frost or wind, but to trust and come to me.
I have never brought harm to anyone; I only offer only help." |
December 30,1990 |
Medallions of immaculate Purity
Girls asked the Virgin Mary, what would like
she wish. She answered: Make the medallions to be made with my name,
which I have told you, on the one side of the locket, but only the
initials. Under the name will be my pure dazzling Heart and the
white lily - sign of my purity. On the other side will be my picture
with my Son in my arms. Medallions should be worn by people who
feel the respect to me and to my Son.
One, who will wear this locket, respect my
purity and honor me under the name of Immaculate Purity, will always
get my help if he will ask for it.
Girls then asked to bless of St. Church and
all religious nurses. Mary did not say anything, just pleasantly
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information about Trip to
Vislocky Travel |
I 1994
August 1995
Mountain Zvir
Medallions |